“Why Sunday School Still Matters

(and Why It Still Works!)”

Recently I read a blog post that was entitled: “Sunday School is Killing the Church” (which was inspired by a previous post: “Sunday Schooling Our Kids Out of Church”).  Of course, these articles have raised a lot of attention – and some hackles!  However, the intention of the  author of the second post was to be provocative, and has certainly opened an important discussion:

Is Sunday School still a valuable tool in building up the next generation of Christians?  Or is it a hindrance to the overall goals of the Christian Community?

My answer to the first question is a resounding YES!  And my answer to the second query is an emphatic NO!  Why?

A congregational-based Christian education ministry can still be effective in nurturing children and offering them knowledge, skills, and values to grow into adult followers of Jesus Christ!  The foundational principle of a well-done and active Sunday School Ministry is to assist parents in the great task of SPIRITUAL FORMATION – helping mold their children and youth to become more and more Christ-like, plus providing our youth and children with another adult Christian role model, beyond their parents or a pastor.

Sunday School introduces children to the great Biblical dramas, connecting God’s Story with their own.  Sunday school teachers teach children prayers, showing them the reality of an inner realm where God speaks to them and through them.  Sunday school encourages music and singing, and nurtures creativity through crafts, projects, skits, Bible lessons and more.  Sunday school introduces children and youth to their PEERS – fellow Christian youth who are their same age and at their same learning level.  Sunday school is a place where children and youth are taught and shown that God loves them more than they can ever imagine, and that Jesus, their Savior and Lord, is with them, always!

Christ gave to all Christians the command to teach “every nation” and all age groups.  Resurrection’s Sunday School Ministry gives us the opportunity to fulfill this responsibility here and now, and to engage personally and actively in this work – and see the results first-hand!  Many of a child’s first impressions of his or her faith are implanted by the Sunday School and Sunday School teachers.  And just think: in the Sunday School of TODAY are the pastors, DCE’s, spiritual teachers, and leaders of TOMORROW’S congregations.  The vision and vitality of the Church of the Future depends largely on the adequacy of the spiritual training our children and youth are receiving TODAY.

One of my favorite Seminary professors, Dr. C. George Fry, once made a comment like this: that the world’s battles of tomorrow are won or lost in today’s homes, schools, and churches.  We are not bequeathing to the next generation a stable, peaceful world, but through a strong Sunday School Ministry and related programs we can give our youth a strong, trium-phant faith to cope with the problems ahead.

Further, our congregation is blessed to have such highly trained and competent Sunday School leaders and teachers in our educational program.  Those who volunteer to minister in the classroom are dedicated, caring and committed Christians who give of their time and talents (and yes, even their dollars!) to help our younger saints grow in the Word of the Lord, and in maturing in their discipleship.

Thus, my question to ALL at Resurrection:

What are YOU doing to make our congregation’s Sunday School an effective, Christ-centered program? – which should be a concern and responsibility of EVERY member of Resurrection!

Lifting High the Name of Jesus as We LOVE – EQUIP – SHARE!

Your Fellow Co-Worker, in Christ,

 Pastor Hank Hollar