TONIGHT, Wednesday, December 11th

Join with your congregational family as we gather for a Fellowship Meal, beginning at 5:45 PM with Advent Midweek Worship beginning at 7:00 PM, under the Theme: “Pray!  God Hears You!”


Greening of the Church for Saturday am has changed due to the Memorial Service. We will start decorating the Sanctuary on Wednesday, December 11th before the Advent Worship Service. Help will be needed to get the Christmas Trees and decorations from the garage Wednesday afternoon.  Potluck dinner will start at 5:45 pm, bring a main dish and a veggie or desert to share. Fellowship will begin in the Sanctuary following as the trees are decorated. Pastor Ben will then lead us in worship. The reminder of the greening will take place early Saturday morning and later in the week.


Joyce Hermann Memorial Service will be held Saturday December 14 @ 11:00 AM, with a luncheon following.  Please contact Sara Hellbaum , if you would like to help provide food and or help cleanup.


LAST CHANCE TO ORDER GIFT CARDS FOR CHRISTMAS!! Consider purchasing gift cards from the LYFR (Lutheran Youth Fellowship of Resurrection) SCRIP PROGRAM:  Purchase gift cards for full face value and LYFR can earn up to 15% on each purchase.  Visit the church website or contact Pastor Ben or Kristin Dolby to place an order by Sunday.  Final December order date is December 15th.


ANNUAL CHRISTMAS COOKIE WALK IS SUNDAY … with a great variety of cookies … sold by the pound … made by the great cooks of Resurrection … all funds raised goes towards the Women in God’s Service Family Ministry … so bring your dollars and your hunger as the Cookie Walk will take place between worship services.  Funds will be matched by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.



WE ARE GOING TO P.O.R.T.!!  We will be going to Noland United Methodist Church to feed those in need of a hot dinner and give them a warm, safe place to sleep on Saturday, December 28th followed by a hot breakfast on Sunday, December 29th. Please see the sign up sheet for food donations and volunteer help to serve, sleep over and clean up.


LYFR FUNDRAISER (Lutheran Youth Fellowship of Resurrection) On Dec. 15thbetween services the Youth will wrap gifts in the Youth room. Just drop off your ready-to-wrap-gifts between services and we will have them wrapped and ready for pick-up when church is over. There is a sign-up sheet on Pastor’s Ben door.


SUPPORTING YOUR CHURCH JUST GOT A LITTLE EASIER!   The Board of Stewardship & Finance is pleased to announce the introduction of an electronic option for making regular offerings.  By the end of this month, you will be able to visit Resurrection’s website – – and, with in just a few easy steps, arrange your contributions to be debited automatically from your checking or savings account.  Our new electronic giving program offers convenience for you and much-needed donation consistency for our congregation.  If you are currently giving on a weekly basis, you will no longer be obligated to write out 52 checks a year or prepare 52 envelopes.   And, when travel, illness or other circumstances prevent you from attending services, this program will allow your weekly offerings to continue on an uninterrupted basis.  Please contact the church office for an authorization form to get you started (  Thanks!


CPH OFFERS LAST OF CONCORDIA SELF-STUDY BIBLES (NIV)Concordia Publishing House only has a few thousand of the Self-Study NIV–1984 Bibles available – and when they are sold out, the publisher won’t be printing any more.  To order, go to


DECEMBER PROJECTDollar Gifts for Our Outreach Discretionary Fund – Due to Church Budget constraints, the Outreach Discretionary Fund (an emergency help fund for both members and community people) is under-funded.  Your gifts toward this fund make it possible to help fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to pay their electric bill, their rent, their water/sewer bill, etc.  An Offering Plate is set up in the Narthex to receive your gifts of love – please give generously!


THE NEW 2014 FLOWER CHART IS NOW AVAILABLE: Please consider a gift to the Altar flower Ministry. Choose a date to honor or remember a special occasion. Your gift will be acknowledged in the Announcement Sheet in the Sunday Worship Bulletin. The cost is $25.00 per bouquest. Make your check payable to Resurrection Lutheran Church and put it in a Flower Fund envelope. You map pick up your flowers after Late Service and please return the white cup to the sacristy the next Sunday. If flowers are not picked up by Tuesday morning they will be delivered to a homebound member.